Download Fortinet Network Security Analyst.NSE5.CertDumps.2017-12-25.313q.tqb

Vendor: Fortinet
Exam Code: NSE5
Exam Name: Fortinet Network Security Analyst
Date: Dec 25, 2017
File Size: 7 MB

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Demo Questions

Question 1
An administrator wants to assign a set of UTM features to a group of users. Which of the following is the correct method for doing this?
  1. Enable a set of unique UTM profiles under "Edit User Group".
  2. The administrator must enable the UTM profiles in an identity-based policy applicable to the user group.
  3. When defining the UTM objects, the administrator must list the user groups which will use the UTM object.
  4. The administrator must apply the UTM features directly to a user object.
Correct answer: B
Question 2
When firewall policy authentication is enabled, only traffic on supported protocols will trigger an authentication challenge. 
Select all supported protocols from the following:
  1. SMTP
  2. SSH
  3. HTTP
  4. FTP
  5. SCP
Correct answer: CD
Question 3
A client can create a secure connection to a FortiGate device using SSL VPN in web-only mode. 
Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the use of web-only mode SSL VPN?
  1. Web-only mode supports SSL version 3 only.
  2. A Fortinet-supplied plug-in is required on the web client to use web-only mode SSL VPN.
  3. Web-only mode requires the user to have a web browser that supports 64-bit cipher length.
  4. The JAVA run-time environment must be installed on the client to be able to connect to a web-only mode SSL VPN.
Correct answer: C

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